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ERC Starting Grant & Consolidator Grant in a nutshell

Start: End: Location: online via zoom
Event type:
  • Für Postdocs
  • Für Professuren
  • Für Junior Faculty
  • Forschung fördern (series)
  • Forschung fördern (Reihe)
This event will present the ERC Starting Grant and ERC Consolidator Grant formats and a summary of the application requirements, followed by a Q&A.

The European Research Council ERC funds excellent scientists and their teams with groundbreaking research projects in various funding lines for the appropriate career stage. Here, the two formats ERC Starting Grant and ERC Consolidator Grant are presented. Participants can expect a compact summary of the conditions of the application followed by a short Q&A session.

If you want to learn more about the two formats in a nutshell, attend our info event Forschung fördern kompakt!

No registration required.


Lecturer: Dr. Felix Stehle, Research Support Services

Venue: online via Zoom
Meeting-ID: 942 8564 8932
Code: 741629

Target audience: postdocs, Junior Faculty, professors