German Research Foundation
The German Research Foundation (DFG) funds basic research in all disciplines. You can submit applications for most funding formats at any time. As a rule, researchers with a doctorate are eligible to apply.
The funding spectrum of the DFG
The DFG offers a wide range of funding formats for research projects for all career stages (from the doctorate onwards). You can find an overview of all funding formats on the DFG website. The GEPRIS database presents all projects funded by the DFG with a short summary. The following overview of a selection of common DFG formats is structured according to funding types.

The DFG Liaison Officer must be informed about each application. Please, send an e-mail to the DFG Liaison Officer Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Rhode for this purpose and kindly attach the elan form data as a pdf.
Depending on the format, you submit the application via the online portal elan or by post.
The preparation of third-party funding applications follows standard processes at the TU Dortmund University, which ensure both that researchers receive the best possible support and that formalities and deadlines can be fulfilled or met.
Services and contact persons
TU Dortmund University supports the acquisition of DFG collaborative projects such as Collaborative Research Centers / TRR, Research Training Groups and Research Units, among other things, by financial support for personnel for the preparation of an outline as well as for the preparation of a full proposal. The Rectorate provides support as early as the first step in brainstorming and forming a consortium for a DFG collaborative project. Contact person in the Rectorate is Dr. Gunter Friedrich.
The team member of the Grants Services responsible for your Department will be happy to assist you in submitting a proposal to the DFG. The range of services offered by Research Support Services includes:
- the selection of a suitable funding format,
- a consultation regarding the specific requirements of the chosen format,
- application process coordination, esp. for collaborative projects, and connection to the university administration, as well as
- giving strategic feedback on your application

Advice offered by the DFG liaison officer
In addition to the Funding advice at TU Dortmund University, the DFG liaison officer Professor Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Rhode is available as a contact person for all applicants at the DFG.
The advisory service includes in detail:
- Information on the various funding opportunities and programmes of the DFG,
- Advice, especially for first-time applicants, on how to avoid typical pitfalls.
- Advice on questions of doubt. These do not only have to arise during the application process, but can also arise during the course of proposal processing by the Head Office or even after the DFG has made its decision.