Research units
In a DFG research unit, several scientists work together for up to eight (4+4) years on projects that jointly address an overarching issue. The close cooperation strengthens collaborations and enables complex and innovative topics to be addressed that go far beyond individual funding. The format requires good networking of the participants in advance as well as long-term and strategic planning.
Requirements and characteristics of the format
Research units are usually composed of a single-digit number of subprojects united by an overarching topic. The application procedure is two-stage and the review is carried out by the DFG Review Boards. The review criteria for the subprojects are based on a DFG grant, but in addition the overall scientific concept must be convincing.

Representation of the group
The research unit is represented by a spokesperson, this person represents the group externally and acts as an interface to the DFG. In addition to excellent research performance, the spokesperson position should be held by a person with proven leadership and management experience.
Outlines for research units may be submitted at any time, but should be coordinated with review board meetings as appropriate. A list of currently running DFG-funded research units can be found on the DFG website.
Services and contact persons
The Rectorate offers comprehensive financial support for the application of DFG Research Units (FOR). This support includes the preparation of a project outline as well as the preparation of a full proposal if funding is not possible via chair or faculty funds. In the outline phase, funding for a research assistant position (50%) can be provided for up to 6 months upon application. In the full proposal phase, a research assistant position (50%) can also be funded for up to 12 months upon request. This is based on the current DFG staffing rates (doctoral candidate and comparable). Prerequisites for funding are the assumption of spokespersonship, a significant participation of TU Dortmund University in the network and a concrete concept in the outline phase. The application forms are available on request from the funding counselling service.
The team member of the Grants Services responsible for your Department will be happy to assist you in submitting a proposal to the DFG. The range of services offered by Research Support Services includes:
- coordination of contact persons within the university administration
- annotated templates and guidelines
- information about cross-sectional topics such as research data management, support for early career researchers, and equal opportunities
- comprehensive advice in all phases of the application process.