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In one semester to the DFG Sachbeihilfe


The DFG Sachbeihilfe is the most popular funding format for independent research. You too can imagine submitting a proposal this semester? Then register for the next two groups of the proposal workshop in the winter semester 2024/25!

  • Meetings: Monday afternoon, Zoom
  • Language during the discussions and presentations: German
  • Language of your proposals: German/English

The proposal workshop provides researchers at TU Dortmund University with short inputs on important knowledge about DFG grants and builds up key skills for writing successful grant proposals by working on their own proposals in practice.

The proposal workshop provides assistance with typical challenges of proposal writing: Which (type of) project idea is suitable for DFG funding? How do I get to the heart of my idea and how do I convincingly present its added value and knowledge gain? What special features do I need to bear in mind when writing a grant proposal and, in particular, a DFG grant?

Over the course of a semester, the fixed group of participants will meet six times via Zoom and, accompanied by the biweekly one-hour meetings of the proposal workshop, will write their individual proposals. An annotated DFG grant template will be provided as a resource, and impetus for individual work on the proposal will also be provided after each session. The goal of the proposal workshop is to submit a material grant proposal in one semester.

The proposal workshop welcomes all researchers who have (almost) completed their doctorate and who are looking for support in (re)starting the DFG material grant proposal process. The offer is aimed at both postdocs and professors.

If you would like to learn more about the proposal workshop or register , please feel free to contact me!