Application processes at TU Dortmund University
TU Dortmund University uses standard processes to ensure that researchers receive the best possible support in the application process, and that all formalities and deadlines are considered and complied with.
General application process
TU Dortmund University will support you from advice on the appropriate funding format to the management of the projects you acquire. You always have a main contact person:
- Research Support Services provides coordinating advice prior to submission,
- after submission, the Department of Finance and Procurement (Division of Third-Party Funding Management and Legal Matters in Research and Development) supports you.
Please feel free to take advantage of our advice as soon as you are considering an application. No elaboration is necessary; the idea is already sufficient. This allows clarifying formal and legal questions in time.

Before submitting the application, a formal review is usually required, which may take up to 10 working days. Please consider this time in your application.
You can download an illustration of the general application process here (in German only).
Please click here for a list of the most important contact persons (in German only).
Application process for DFG collaborative projects
Coordinated programs of the DFG – Collaborative Research Centers, Research Training Groups and Research Units – are prestigious research consortia that require intensive preparation and substantial contributions by the respective Department.
The Research Funding Unit provides support throughout the entire application process. Please contact us at an early stage, already in the planning phase. This support includes the preparation of a project draft as well as the preparation of a full proposal if funding is not possible via your chair or faculty funds. In the draft phase, funding for a research assistant position (50%) can be provided for up to 6 months . In the full proposal phase, a research assistant position can also be funded for up to 12 months upon request (100 % for SFB/TRR, 50 % for RTG/FOR). This is based on the current DFG staff rates (doctoral candidate and comparable). Prerequisites for funding are the assumption of the spokesperson, a significant participation of TU Dortmund University in the network and a concrete concept in the outline phase. The application forms are available on request from Research Support Services
Application processes for collaborative EU projects
Grant services provide support throughout the entire application process. Please contact us at an early stage, already in the planning phase.
The Rectorate also provides financial support for applications for Horizon Europe EU collaborative projects (RIA/IA, EIC, Missions), ERC Synergy Grants and MSCA Doctoral Networks if funding is not available from departmental or faculty funds. If required, up to 50% of an academic staff position can be funded for a maximum of six months (in accordance with the current DFG personnel funding rate for doctoral candidates and similar: The prerequisite is that the project is coordinated by TU Dortmund University and that a convincing concept is available. Application forms are available on request from the Funding Advisory Service.
For EU collaborative projects, we offer a comprehensive Project Management Services, which includes support in the preparatory phase in the search for suitable consortium partners, coordination of the application, consortium communication and the preparation of work plans and budgets. If your application is successful, we can also take on individual tasks or the entire project management and work directly in the project teams.
Frequently asked
Below you will find explanations of frequently asked questions regarding the application process:
Some funding formats require that own contributions are made. For this purpose, early advising and involvement of the Division of Third-Party Funding Management and Legal Matters in Research and Development is necessary from the very beginning of the application process.
In principle, the applying project management (formally the Department) is responsible for the own contributions; central funding is not available. If own contributions have to be provided in the form of “freie Drittmittel” and these are not available at the applying Department, smaller sums (<100,000 euros) of “freie Drittmittel” may be provided in exchange for equivalent other funds from the project management after individual case assessment.
The draft phase is the most essential for the assessment! Here the strongest selection is carried out. As a rule, the funding amount applied for in the draft phase cannot be exceeded in the full proposal.
A legally binding signature can only be given by the Rectorate or by the Division of Third-Party Funding Management and Legal Matters in Research and Development of the Department of Finance and Procurement. The prerequisite for this is a formal review of the financially and formally final application by the Division of Third-Party Funding Management (10 working days due to any necessary agreements).
The overheads, referred to as program lump sums by the DFG and project lump sums by federal ministries, serve to cover the so-called indirect project costs (such as the provision of offices and workplaces, the administrative departments that support the project, etc.). The university decides autonomously how to use the overheads, but it may only be spent on indirect costs – and not to increase project funding. The overhead is therefore not available to project managers.
It is generally possible to submit an application to funding agencies that do not pay overheads. If funding agencies approve the application of overheads, these must be applied for in the full amount.
The Rectorate offers comprehensive financial support for the submission of proposals for DFG collaborative projects (SFB/TRR, RTG and FOR, RTG-FOR). This support includes the preparation of a project draft as well as the preparation of a full proposal if funding is not possible via your chair or faculty funds. In the outline phase, funding for a research assistant position (50%) can be provided for up to 6 months upon application. In the full proposal phase, a research assistant position can also be funded for up to 12 months upon request (100 % for SFB/TRR, 50 % for RTG/FOR/Kolleg-FOR). This is based on the current DFG staffing rates (doctoral candidate and comparable). Prerequisites for funding are the assumption of the spokesperson, a significant participation of TU Dortmund University in the network and a concrete concept in the draft phase. The application forms are available on request from the Research Support Services.
You can find the current version of the application resources here.
The document is aimed at members of TU Dortmund University who are preparing applications for third-party funding. It is intended to provide support in the preparation of such applications, in particular in the consideration of non-scientific review criteria, which are becoming increasingly important in addition to the research idea and expertise. The document provides information on the existing structures and support services at TU Dortmund University in relation to various cross-cutting topics. It also contains general information about TU Dortmund University, such as facts and figures, which can be used in applications. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the funding counselling team.