Dear researchers,
During winter semester 2021/22, you have made very active use of our advisory services, both in the area of funding advice and in the support of early career researchers in the Graduate Center. We are very pleased that we could support you in your research projects and ideas.
As of this week, our proven event series “Forschung fördern digital” is running again in the new year: Look forward to further events during the lecture-free period! Details and dates can be found below.
We would like to draw the attention of all those who are interested in doing a doctorate and all doctoral researchers to the “Frühjahrsakademie” of the Research Academy Ruhr. From March 15 to 17, early career researchers get informed about the process and challenges of a doctorate. In addition, on the second and third days of the event, participants will be able to train various key competencies in interdisciplinary workshops which will facilitate their entry into the doctoral phase.
For postdocs and junior faculty, we recommend the “Karriereforum” on March 24 and 25 on the topic “Postdoc funding programs for (inter)national research”. During this event, you can learn about the German funding landscape, selected funding programs, and how to obtain external funding in the different thematic sessions.
At the beginning of the year, some tasks were redistributed in the Research Support Services, therefore the responsible funding advisors for the departments 11 to 17 have changed. On our website you will find the contact details of the persons responsible for your department.
Please feel free to contact your funding advisor at any time!
Have a good lecture-free time!
Team of the Research Support Services
Our next events
Upcoming events in our “Forschung fördern digital” event series:
- 22.02.2022 – Auf dem Weg zur Professur: Die eigene Nachwuchsgruppe einwerben
- 01.03.2022 – Ein echter Allrounder: Die DFG-Sachbeihilfe als Grundbaustein Ihrer Forschungskarriere
- 08.03.2022 – Forschungskarriere gestalten
- 15.03.2022 – Querschnittsaspekte in der Antragstellung: Nachwuchsförderung, FDM und Chancengleichheit

The series will take place online via Zoom on selected Tuesdays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. For more information, visit our event website.
The Graduate Center and the Research Academy Ruhr offer the following events and workshops on transferable skills training for early career researchers (selection):
- 04.+18.02.2022 – (Online-)Konferenzen stressfrei planen und erfolgreich durchführen (in German, for doctoral researchers and postdocs)
- 07.02.2022 – Fast geschafft – Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bei der Veröffentlichung der eigenen Dissertation (in German, for doctoral researchers)
- 10.-11.02.2022 – Von der Promotion zur Professur: Orientierung auf dem wissenschaftlichen Karriereweg (in German, for doctoral researchers)
- 14.02.2022 – Research Data Management for Doctoral Researchers (in English, for doctoral researchers)
- 23.-24.02.2022 – Poster erstellen – Ansprechend, verständlich, pünktlich fertig (MINT-Fächer) (in German, for doctoral researchers)
- 08.03.2022 – Berufungsverfahren im deutschsprachigen Raum – die schriftliche Bewerbung (in German, for Junior Faculty)
- 09.03.2022 – Berufungsverfahren im deutschsprachigen Raum – Vortrag, Lehrprobe, Kommissionsgespräch (in German, for Junior Faculty)
- 15.-16.03.2022 – Berufungsverfahren auf Professuren – Hintergründe, Ablauf und Vorbereitung (in German, for postdocs)
- 24.-25.03.2022 – 22nd Karriereforum: Postdoc funding programs for (inter)national research (in English, for postdocs and Junior Faculty)
- 07.-08.04.2022 – Zeit- und Selbstmanagement für Promovierende (in German, for doctoral researchers)
More topics and dates for all career levels can be found on our events page.