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Research awards

Research awards honor special scientific achievements in research and/or teaching and are available for each career phase. They are awarded by the major funding agencies such as the DFG as well as by foundations, associations, and companies. With such awards, you strengthen your research profile and gain an advantage in application and third-party funding.

Awards – a first orientation

There is a large number of scientific awards, some of which are for specific subjects or disciplines or are restricted to specific target groups.

Further infor­ma­ti­on

On the following websites, you can inform yourself about awards:

In addition, you will regularly receive the latest announcements for your field of expertise via the mailing list of Research Support Services.

If you have any questions, please contact Annika Schmidtpeter, Assistant to the Vice President Research, by e-mail.

Application and nomination

In the case of many awards, you cannot apply for the award yourself; instead, nomination by third parties – often by the university management – is required. Research Support Services will be happy to support you in the application process for awards that allow you to apply for funding yourself.

Services and contact persons

Research Support Services provides general information about the various science awards and the respective nomination procedure. Please feel free to send us an e-mail. The team of the Graduate Center TU Dortmund will be happy to advise you individually on the topic of science awards as a component for your academic career.

Graduate Center Team TU Dortmund © TU Dortmund

Further information