International Consortial Projects
Would you like to do research together with researchers from abroad? Research projects in an international network can be supported by various funding agencies.
Funding agencies in comparison
Application- and innovation-oriented international collaborative research can be funded by ministries and the EU as well as by joint calls for proposals by various funding agencies. The calls for proposals have fixed submission deadlines and are topic-bound – whereby the call topics of the various funding agencies are complementary. As a rule, at least three, often significantly more, participants are involved in the projects. The participation of international as well as non-academic members is usually necessary. Details you can find in the specific call texts.
In contrast, the DFG usually funds research projects with international participation on open topics. A good overview of international calls for proposals you can find on the page Kooperation international.

Depending on the format and the funding agency, there are various special features you have to consider when applying for funding, so we would ask you to contact us as early as possible.
You can find an overview of the specifics of applying to the various funding agencies here:
Services and contact persons
The Rectorate provides financial support for applications for Horizon Europe EU collaborative projects (RIA/IA, EIC, Missions), ERC Synergy Grants and MSCA Doctoral Networks, if funding is not available from departmental or faculty funds. If required, up to 50% of an academic staff position can be funded for a maximum of six months (in accordance with the current DFG personnel funding rate for doctoral candidates and similar: The prerequisite is that the project is coordinated by TU Dortmund University and that you present a convincing concept. Application forms are available on request at Grant Services.
The Office of Research Support Services offers a wide range of services relating to the acquisition of third-party funding and the application process.
With regard to the EU, the funding advisor responsible for your faculty will be happy to advise you on
- on the selection of a suitable funding format,
- with regard to the specific requirements of the respective format and
- through strategic editing of your application.
In addition, we offer a project management service tailored to your needs for coordinated EU collaborative projects. During the preparation phase, we support
- in the search for suitable EU consortium partners
- coordinating the application and consortium communication
- in the preparation of work plans and budgets
If your application is successful, we can take over part or all of the project management and integrate ourselves into the project teams.