Projects of Research Support Services
Research Support Services actively pursues projects and acquires external funding in order to support its various fields of activity.
An overview of the EU joint projects managed by the Project Management Department can be found here.
TU-SUGR: TU Dortmund Support for Gender in Research
With TU-SUGR (TU Dortmund Support for Gender in Research) the TU Dortmund University is currently working on the identification of possible measures to structurally initiate and establish the support of gender-differentiated research in the long term. Thus, in a conceptual phase funded by the BMBF within the framework of the funding guideline "Geschlechteraspekte im Blick", interdisciplinary discussions are to be stimulated and corresponding support needs are to be identified.
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany (Vice President Research), Annika Schmidtpeter (Research Support Services)
Team members: Dr. Julia Stiebritz-Banischewski, Kateryna Zavalii

Introduction of HISinOne-RES at TU Dortmund University
A project supported by the state initiative CRIS.NRW to implement the new requirements for standardized research reporting ('Core Data Set Research') at TU Dortmund University. The application and project database, which is based on the HISinOne-RES software, is to be shared by various administrative institutions and serves to systematically record third-party funding applications and projects. The TU Dortmund University is thus part of an operating network of universities coordinated by CRIS.NRW, which will be equipped with up-to-date research information system solutions as part of the MKW's Digital University NRW.
Contact: Dr. Heike Wulfert

TU Support Horizon
A project in support of the Ministry for Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW) with the overall aim of increasing the participation of TU Dortmund University in Horizon 2020 and its successor program Horizon Europe. The strengthening of the successful application in EU formats is achieved through various modules, such as a targeted approach, a best practice platform, and information events.
Funding volume: 144,000 euros

This is a project to strengthen the collegial cooperation between the funding consultants of the UA Ruhr. Experiences from EU application consultations and EU projects will be systematically brought together and event offerings will be optimized and expanded with the aim of offering researchers a wider range of events and a forum for informal exchange among themselves.
Funding volume: 26,000 euros

This Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded this project to research and establish university-wide structures for research data management. In cooperation with the University Library, subject-specific practices of research data management were collected for all departments and standard processes were developed.
Funding volume: 350,000 euros

Contact persons
If you have any questions regarding project management, the team headed by Petra Marciniak will be happy to assist you.